NASSAR AFRICAN MOVEMENT has five action plans designed to achieve our objectives.
The bible in Prov 25:2 states that it is the glory of God to conceal a thing and it is the honour for the kings to search it out. The bible in Exo 20:21 that God is in the thick darkness.
This means that it is God’s nature to hide himself or precious things for his children. He is not hiding it from us but for us. The reason he is hiding is because the enemy is coming to take it away.
Anything that is precious in this life either physical or spiritual is hidden. Come to think of Crude oil which is found in the deep, minerals of all types are found in the deep which if not discover will not be exploited.
Research is the only means through which we can discover things that are hidden. The kingdom of God is hidden and in mat 6:33 God instruct us to seek it first and his righteousness and then all other things shall be added unto us.
You can’t solve a problem you do not know and a problem known is half solve. What we discover is what we develop and what we develop is what we manifest.
We are only limited by what we donot know about ourselves and surroundings. Research is a philosophical study of the nature, origin and scope of a thing and carefully presenting it in such a way that it brings clarity and removes doubts, assumptions and presuppositions.
Research is the only means through which we can get to know events that took place in the past. That is why you can’t take hold of what you donot know. We got to know the past so as to understand the present and plan the future.
it is only through researching that we come to discover new knowledge, new ideas etc. Researching is an important tool in the field of sciences.There has never been any discovery without research.
When God promised the isrealites that he was to give them the promised land, it didn’t come to past just because God said it. There were principles that God could not bypass. He instructed his servants on two occasions to sent spies to the land.
The question is all of them were on the journey to the promised land why then send some persons ahead? God himself knew that they could not take over without having a picture of the land.
Threfore the mission of the spies was to explored and investigate the land and came back with a report. They were given research questions. There are two possible ways of answering these questions.
They can either ask oral questions to people from the land to answer (interviews) or the can give them questionnaire to answer. These are therefore the two main activities that we shall be using to collect data for the report.
The bible in Eph 5:9 states that it is light that brings a rich harvest of every kind of goodness, righteousness and truth. it makes it clear in verse 13 that when all things are brought to the light, then their true nature is clearly revealed, and any thing that is clearly revealed becomes light.
Using pictures, symbols, and signs is one of the best ways in telling a story. This is scriptural; the entire bible is full of pictures, signs, symbols and dramatic expressions.
This is because there are some messages that words cannot be used to express. The garden of Eden, the tree of life, the tree of good and evil, the art of Noah, the tabernacle.
The bible records in mat 13 that Jesus Christ was always speaking in parables to the Pharisees and his disciples ask him why speak to them in parables. Jesus told them they have eyes but they can’t see, ears but they can’t hear, and hearts but they can’t understand because they hearts are waxed (Mat 13:13-16).
He said it was given to them to understand the mysteries about the kingdom of God but to the Pharisees it was not given, and that is why he speaks the message about the kingdom of God in such a way that they will understand.
It is therefore in this perspective that we want to use documentaries, symbols, images, signs, drama, publications, and debates as activities of light to establishing truth in particular concepts.
The bible makes us to understand that Jesus argued with the Pharisees trying to make them see reasons why they should believe in what he believed.
You can force someone to believe in what you believe but you must convince that person by putting facts before him in order to ride him off his misconceptions. This can only be achieved through debating.
The bible record that Apostle Paul argued with the philosophers in Greece trying to make them see reasons why they shouldn’t worship Idols( Acts 17:16-34).
The way a human being is design is such that all messages are stored in us in the form of pictures or images. Your self-concept is a picture you have of your self.
This picture is what rules your life and to change your life you’re to change your self-concept by putting another picture to substitute the old one in your mind.
You must also remember that the right brain deals with pictures and the left brain deals with words. Therefore
Images delude you in such a way that you are not forced; you accept the values portray by the image as yours and act accordingly.
God instruct us christains through his words to give to the poor and the needy. There are many different reasons why people give.
Some give to assist, some give to make a name, some give for the media, some give because the bible instruct them, some give as a social contribution for carrying out an activity in that community while some give for sake of God’s love. But in this context it is for the sake of God’s love.
Solidarity is an awareness of shared interests, objectives, standards, and sympathies creating a psychological sense of unity of groups or classes, which rejects the class conflict.
It refers to the ties in a society that bind people together as one. Solidarity is willingness to give psychological and or material support when another person is in a difficult position or needs affection.
Humans are not born physically equal. There are weak ones, slow, strong, fast, and intelligent humans all over the world. We are a team, and each one of us is call upon to share what so ever he or she is gifted with to the rest of the team.
You might be gifted in the area of finance, academics, medicine, etc or in which ever area you are good at, use it to strengthen your fellow human being.
We believe that solidarity can change the church and the world because lessons of divine love cannot be taught but can only be express through actions of goodness and kindness.
What we must note is that when you are truly born again, love, goodness and kindness becomes your nature. Those who are religious give because the bible says, sometimes they give what they do not need or out of their abundance or because they expect something in return.
They don’t give for the sake of christ’s love because they do not have his nature. Giving for christ sake gives hope and increases faith. The two main activities are charity, and Scholarship schemes.
It is a process of developping and strengthening the skills, instincts, abilities, processes and resources that individuals, organisations and communities need to survive, adapt, and thrive in a fast-changing world. This is achieved through conferences, seminars, and training workshops.
A seminar is one of the teaching methods of Jesus where he constantly took his disciples to the mountain and taught them about the kingdom of God.
A seminar is a small group of people who are taught something new on a particular topic or skill.
A workshop has a fewer number of participant as compare to a seminar or conference. It can be an element of a seminar. A workshop is a meeting at which a group of people engage in intensive discussion and activity on a particular subject or project.
The purpose of a workshop is to create a space in which a group of people can meet to discuss questions, brainstorm ideas, identify problems, make decisions and develop solutions.
It was one of Jesus teaching method, according to scriptures he used to take his apostles to the mountain and teach them by asking questions to force them to think. In luke 10:26 he asked the question What is written? How readest thou?
He also asked this question you hypocrites, you can discern the face of the sky and of the earth but while do you discern the time? Why can’t you judge what is right (Luke 12:56-57).
Reform is to bring deep rooted change in people’s economic, social, political, spiritual and behavioral conditions resulting in their enjoyment of wholeness of life under God’s ordinances.
Change people are just, peaceful, loving, joyful, and honest. Change people are those who have discovered their true identity as children of God and who have recovered their true vocation as faithful and productive stewards of gifts from God for the well-being of all.
This will be achieved through NASSAR Academy where we teach self-discovery and structural transformation.